Friday, August 31, 2007

I'm feeling a little yellow

I really had fun with this today and thought that I would share
Here is my Simpsonized Family

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


This is one thing that cannot be forced, especially with small children. You may be able to get them to do what you want but there will always be screaming and crabby moods if you force it. I re-learned the best way to get children to cooperate when my daughter went to a Gymboree class. It was time to pick up the toys and the teacher started singing and picking them up. She never asked for help, but she didn't have to. Almost all the able children began putting the little beanbags away in the bucket. To them it was just another game, but to the teacher it was 10 minutes less she had to clean after class. After being at the class I remembered that my own mother used to sing a little song at cleanup. It's a brilliant thing and it really helps me avoid being a nagging mama.
These days I'm trying really hard not to rush my children. Being a stay at home mom I think it's easier for me to do this. I can set the pace for the day and for what is on our schedule and I try to leave lots of blank space to incorporate the toddler pace my children live in. There are times we need to jet out the door though and I usually get the best cooperation when they have a five minute warning. I also do this when we are leaving from something fun so they know it's coming.
I think another great we do is asking the kids to help us with chores and tasks. Even though sometimes it ends up taking longer or being a bigger mess, they are learning how to help out. I might end up with a pile of wrinkly clothes instead of neat folded ones, but I'm sure my daughter is going to be more willing to pitch in when she is older if I make it a routine now. We usually sing songs while we do this or have a game of seeing who can fold the biggest pile.
Children want to make us happy and proud and if we can put a fun spin on cooperating and make things seem fun vs. a chore then we will hear less whining and more laughter. Isn't laughter what every mama wants to hear?

cooperation is this weeks theme

Monday, August 27, 2007


Yesterday our family went on a quest to find a waterfall. My daughter has really been enchanted by them and unfortunately living in a city her whole life, she has only seen man made falls. Fortunately with our recent move we now have the opportunity to see many natural waterfalls within a short drive and hike. This particular falls was about a 1 hour hike for us. It was a wonderful journey filled with lots of discoveries on the way. Caterpillars, fairy mansions, flowers, and lots of small waterfalls, ending with the big falls that we had set out to see that morning. It was a wonderful weekend quest and I'm looking forward to many more!

Quest is the topic this week

Thursday, August 2, 2007


I have been reading about a thing called The Compact. After talking it over with my husband we have decided that it will be our goal to do the same this year with a few exceptions. He will still be able to purchase new video games. It's his industry and he has to stay up to date and it's basically research material although he will try to rent the games when possible.

For those of you who didn't bother to check the link it means our goal is to no longer purchase things that are new. Exceptions are made for toiletries, food, undergarments, medical supplies and safety equipment, and in our case video games. We will also be trying to eat locally and garden as much as my black thumb is able.

So instead of my beloved Target, we will be heading to the thrift shop, using freecycle, craigslist, and sharing with friends. Just recently before our move Ted wanted to go out and purchase ramps to work on our car. Knowing that we were moving, and that we may never use them again I asked him to give me time to find some. Sure enough within the week I was able to borrow some that weren't in use. It's amazing what you can find if you just take the time to look and have the guts to ask for it.

I think our biggest challenge will be our daughter and the fight we will have against advertisers marketing toys toward her. Luckily we don't watch television so we won't have commercials to battle. Still, marketing is unavoidable even with the absence of tv. One thing she does love though is going "treasure hunting" at garage sales. Her face glows as she wanders through a yard clutching her tiny purse full of coins. Someday hopefully she will take pride that she is stopping these "treasures" from entering a land fill and ruining the earth, but for now she is enjoying all the goodies that she can buy with her own money!

I encourage you to at least think about "compacting." Even if you modify it like we did every little thing will make a difference. "We only have one world" (B.E.P.) and it would be great if we could take an extra effort not to destroy it.


As my last post said, I move a lot. It turns out that we did end up moving and I am writing from a hotel room in Oregon. I really cannot say what will happen and where I will be taken next but the last place I lived taught me something. I made the decision that even in uncertainty I would throw myself into the place I was living full force as if I was staying forever. Previously I had been hesitant to really try and connect and sink into life with other towns. I had that thought in the back of my head that I would just be leaving soon so why bother.
I feel like I really missed out on a lot of friendships that could have been stronger because of my hesitation.
Because of the decision that I made with our last move I ended up with some strong friendships, wonderful experiences, and I was really sad to leave. I think it was one of the hardest moves that I have faced but at the same time I don't regret for a second that I became attached with my life there.
Planning on leaving can really detach you from where you are but the truth is you may never leave and then you wasted years that could have been very meaningful. Besides, even if you do leave think of all you could have missed out on during the time that you were there.
We are in a new town, a new state, and it's also a new life experience that I have decided to fully enjoy!

Decision is the theme over at