Sunday, November 18, 2007


This weeks theme at mamasaysom is Giving.
As a Mother this is a constant theme in my life. Giving my time, my patience, my heart, my sleep, and my last bite of brownie to my two children. I give without hesitation, well, except for the brownie.
I give almost automatically, as if it were wired into me the moment Zionna started growing inside of me. I gave milk so much that now, even six months past Liam weaning, my body still tries to give more. Giving comes naturally with Mothering and hopefully it flows outside of my Mother roll and into every roll I play in this world.
Everyday I am giving my children me, all of me, and today I fear I gave them a me that would have been better off never received. I was feeling sick, and grumpy, and lacking the good attitude I so often remind them to show me. "Give with a joyful heart." I am afraid I did not. Tomorrow I will try harder, and if I'm lucky my cold will have gone away making this a little easier to do.


Anonymous said...

It is not always easy to 'give with joyful heart' (as my rant this week proves beyond a shadow of a doubt ) and yours so poignantly suggests.
There is pain in mothering - the ultimate giving of ones very self - and a lot of times there is very little else left for anyone else - especially ourselves. Yet it is all worth it in the end. Our hearts already know this.
It is comforting to know others struggle with the same pain - and joy . It is something all mothers share , i think.
Peace to you ...

Anonymous said...

It is not always easy to 'give with joyful heart' (as my rant this week proves beyond a shadow of a doubt ) and yours so poignantly suggests.
There is pain in mothering - the ultimate giving of ones very self - and a lot of times there is very little else left for anyone else - especially ourselves. Yet it is all worth it in the end. Our hearts already know this.
It is comforting to know others struggle with the same pain - and joy . It is something all mothers share , i think.
Peace to you ...