Monday, February 4, 2008

Must see video

This video was created by supporters of Barack Obama using his speech from the New Hampshire Primary.
If you live in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California,Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, or Utah...
Then Tuesday Feb 5th is YOUR day to shape the future of our country.

It's a big mess right now and I don't plan to leave it this way for my children. I will be doing what I can to fix it and that includes supporting someone who has a goal to bring hope and to bring change.
Yes We Can!


Sweet Melissa said...

I really loved this video- I think it's awesome that it shows so many different people reaching for the same thing- CHANGE! I was really sad this morning at the gym when I was speaking with a lady that said our country is not ready for a president with a "terrorist" last name. All I can think not only are people ignorant but the fear mongering of the last 8 years really corrupted our way of thinking too- such a shame! Time for change! Yes We Can!

Sweet Melissa said...

I really loved this video- I think it's awesome that it shows so many different people reaching for the same thing- CHANGE! I was really sad this morning at the gym when I was speaking with a lady that said our country is not ready for a president with a "terrorist" last name. All I can think not only are people ignorant but the fear mongering of the last 8 years really corrupted our way of thinking too- such a shame! Time for change! Yes We Can!