Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Mama Haiku

I was only going to write one...but Liam was napping, Zionna was playing and I was having fun with it so here are a few.

Loving you fiercely,
remaining calm as I can,
watching you emerge

milk super power,
flying to gymnastics class,
when do I get sleep?

stepped on a toy, OW!
nothing but bills in the mail,
mama needs a hug.

Who is this Polly?
Why must we buy her today?
What happened to books?

Maybe play outside?
Commercialism got you
and I want you back!

want even more... see other mama haiku's at mamasaysom

Thursday, May 10, 2007

My Child

Vessel of imagination, reminds me how to play.
Keeping me in constant wonder.
A flow of song throughout my day.
Watchful eyes study my rhythm.
Her independence bringing frustration and joy.
Producing works of art her passion
watching her is mine

Monday, May 7, 2007

random shopping boycott attempt...

I did become more aware of my impulse buys and I am positive that I am purchasing way less junk than I was before. I think I cracked around Easter when I went to load up the baskets. This purchase lead to my demise of other things that I didn't need. However, I now own a very nifty pair of rainbow stripe rain boots (for me, not my daughter.) That kinda impulse by you just have to celebrate!!!! Now if only it would rain... hmmm