Sunday, April 15, 2007


We are plugged in, surrounded by constant background noise. Silence just does not exist in our American world. I see five year olds walking around with ipods plugged into there little heads. To escape from our noisy life we go get a massage and even then we want sound. Sure, it may be a "nature" cd but it's still noise. How often when we are alone in silence do we turn on the TV or the radio. I'm not even counting the noises from our children (for those who have them.) I'm talking about when the children are away or sleeping doesn't something in us just crave noise!? By turning on that background noise what glorious things am I missing?

‘God wasn’t in the wind... He wasn’t in the fire... He wasn’t in the earthquake... but in the gentle whisper.’
From Kings 19:9-12

It has been said that God is like a whisper, like breathing. If we have our ipod on how will we ever hear him?

I love music, and cranking up some songs can make you feel wonderful but sometimes even if it makes us squirm inside we need to just embrace the silence.

Other thoughts on Silence

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


At what point in our lives do we become whoever/whatever it is that we are going to become. It's a constant change, each day we wake surfacing into something else. Re-surfacing ourselves to fit our environment, our mood, other's expectations. I looked up the definition for surfacing and came up with the following:
1.the action or process of giving a finished surface to something.
2.the material with which something is surfaced.
3.the act or an instance of rising to the surface of a body of water.

Thinking about that makes me wonder just how many times I put a surface on myself that may have been cosmetically pleasing but not solid wood beneath. (and I'm not talking about makeup)

I challenge us to surface as our true self every day.

See what other's had to say about SURFACING