Tuesday, March 13, 2007


"Don't let anxiety steal your joy." This was a quote in a book I recieved shortly after becoming a mother. This was the quote that helped pull me out of my postpartum depression, well the quote and some zoloft (sorry Mr. Cruise but sometimes you just need some drugs.)
I still recite this quote to myself on a regular basis at times when the kids are fussy, I'm exhausted, and my husband is hours away from the end of his work day.
Motherhood has so many joyful moments but sadly it is very easy for us moms to get caught up in all the things we must do, or rather the things we never get done and then anxiety builds.
Playing in the backyard with the water hose and sunshine is what we did yesterday and I had to try as hard as I could to not think about the pile of laundry, floors that needed swept, and countless other things that I should be doing. Instead I got out the camera and celebrated the joy that comes with being a mommy in the spring time.
I think the hardest part for me in keeping my joy is when I am up all night (as I was last night) with a very fussy and sick child. I must admit that it is very very hard to find joy in that.
I'm not sure we can always win the battle against anxiety, but as long as I'm trying i am certain I will be in a better, more joyful place.

Joy is the weekly theme over at mamasaysom

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