I really should paint my car yellow with all the zipping around I do now that school has started. Maybe install a little fare meter in the front of the car and deduct it from future allowances my children will eventually desire.
I haven't updated in awhile, and while I could try to blame the driving to school... it ends at 11:45 everyday so I am not sure that is a good excuse. I don't know what I have been doing.
I did crochet some things, a hat, scarf, and headband, and 1 baby bootie for Ted's cousin's baby. I do plan to make another on my journey to TX.
Oh, and our family possibly saved a tree with our new avoidance of paper towels. We were using about a roll a week if not more for our messy kids. If a cup goes on the table the chances of a spill are about 95% in our house. This meant lots of trees dying to clean that up. Now we have a growing collection of dish cloths and even switched over to cloth napkins (all from the thrift store.) It has not really added to my laundry pile since I just throw them into whatever load is next in line for washing. I must give the husband kudos on this as it was his idea. Clever Ted saves the world!(or at least a tree.)
I'm getting excited about the election. My ballot comes in the mail very soon (maybe tomorrow) and I am ready to Barack the Vote!
In the words of my lovely daughter "I like Obama because he is going to save the world."
(I never said that, all her words.) Even a child can feel the Hope.