Wednesday, August 29, 2007


This is one thing that cannot be forced, especially with small children. You may be able to get them to do what you want but there will always be screaming and crabby moods if you force it. I re-learned the best way to get children to cooperate when my daughter went to a Gymboree class. It was time to pick up the toys and the teacher started singing and picking them up. She never asked for help, but she didn't have to. Almost all the able children began putting the little beanbags away in the bucket. To them it was just another game, but to the teacher it was 10 minutes less she had to clean after class. After being at the class I remembered that my own mother used to sing a little song at cleanup. It's a brilliant thing and it really helps me avoid being a nagging mama.
These days I'm trying really hard not to rush my children. Being a stay at home mom I think it's easier for me to do this. I can set the pace for the day and for what is on our schedule and I try to leave lots of blank space to incorporate the toddler pace my children live in. There are times we need to jet out the door though and I usually get the best cooperation when they have a five minute warning. I also do this when we are leaving from something fun so they know it's coming.
I think another great we do is asking the kids to help us with chores and tasks. Even though sometimes it ends up taking longer or being a bigger mess, they are learning how to help out. I might end up with a pile of wrinkly clothes instead of neat folded ones, but I'm sure my daughter is going to be more willing to pitch in when she is older if I make it a routine now. We usually sing songs while we do this or have a game of seeing who can fold the biggest pile.
Children want to make us happy and proud and if we can put a fun spin on cooperating and make things seem fun vs. a chore then we will hear less whining and more laughter. Isn't laughter what every mama wants to hear?

cooperation is this weeks theme

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