Tuesday, November 6, 2007

New telephone number

The cellphones are gone!
If you didn't get my mass-email of the new number and you think that you should have please let me know. I'm sure I missed some of you as I had a toddler on my lap as I was sending it out.
If you are a telemarketer, circus clown, or pro golfer then you were left out on purpose and please go away!


Anonymous said...

Are you enjoying the no cell phones?

Pixie Mama said...

Yeah, it has actually been easier to give up than I thought it would be. The first couple days out I kept reaching for it but now I find it relaxing to know it's not going to ring when I'm out doing whatever.
The kids are enjoying it too because I am playing with them more at the playground. Maybe if I play enough games of tag my butt will shrink so I can fit my old jeans!