Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Just where is that Compass pointing?

The Golden Compass is coming out to theaters soon and I have seen lots of talk about how it was written by an Atheist and basically ends with the main character killing "god."
I am sure you have heard of this, but if not head on over to CNN

Here is what I am thinking, as a Christian and a Mother. I saw a preview and really had no idea what it was about but thought it seems like something Z would enjoy based solely on the preview. I was planning to look more into what it was rated (didn't catch that) when Ted told me what it was about. I immediately decided tha she will NOT be going to see it.

Right now at this age she is sooo impressionable, anytime she finishes watching anything she "becomes" that character for the rest of the day. I can't even let her watch Dragon Tales because she becomes that whiny dragon the rest of the day. Questioning authority is going on enough in our house that I don't want anything promoting it. Mama and Papa rule, and that is FINAL! (lol)

I am not trying to shelter her,I just don't want her watching something so captivating at a young age. I also didn't let her watch Chronicles of Narnia because I thought it would be too intense for her wild imagination.
As she matures and her faith grows, I am certain it will be tested many times over but for now I can filter what comes in while she is at such an easily entranced age. However, if she were older I probably would allow her to see the movie if she really wanted to as I think it's important to realize that not all views in the world are your own. I would most likely watch it before her, and be going to see it along with her and talking to her about it after it was over.

I am trying to raise her with values based on a relationship with Jesus, and to strive to be like him. Strive to be a tolerant, loving, giving, compassionate, forgiving person who refuses to look down upon anyone. When Christian "authorities" of the church say things, I want her to question it. It has been quite obvious that there are several misguided CRUSADES (ah, that president of ours) in the name of God. I hope she doesn't just put "Christian" blinders on and believe anyone who claims to be for His Glory.
As she gets older I can't imagine all of her friends would be Christian, already we have friends who are Wiccan, Jewish, Buddist, and athiest. Someday she will no doubt get some questioning and maybe even some arguments against her beliefs. If we kept her clueless that there were those opposed to our families beliefs then she would be one shocked gal and not know how to respond. I want her to be able to respond well informed, and full of a strong faith that no movie or person could ever break down.

1 comment:

Violet Twilight said...

I heard during one news cast about this issue that the people who produced this movie tried to keep religion out of this movie as much as possible, so there should not be any specific atheist comments in it. On a related note, I am really happy that you pay attention to what you children are watching and not just assuming that an age appropriate rating is enough.