Monday, April 7, 2008

Oh Oprah..what have you done???

I just received an email about Oprah and her new church????
I was very confuses so I watched the YouTube video in the link to see what was going on. I mean, I don't watch TV so I can miss things like this if I'm not careful. Or maybe I am being careful by missing them.
Here is the video... and if you don't have time to watch it makes Oprah look like a cult leader and then at the last 2 seconds throws Obama in the mix.

My response:
My thoughts on this would be that Oprah is like so
many people today, she is searching. With her busy
life I would guess that she is very lonely and so it
makes since that she would be searching for a deeper
spirituality. I know she was hanging out with a bunch
of Scientology people awhile back. She is lost.
As far as the Church of Oprah, well yeah she is
teaching a web class. She does that sort of thing
with her book club. I think she is just excited to be
feeling something and wants to share it just like
anyone would. Of course she is Oprah so she is
sharing it with millions. Is she evil? Trying to
corrupt Christians and others? Nah, she is just trying
to share her experience in her personal search for
Hopefully those Christians watching will have a faith
strong enough that this won't throw them off course.
Perhaps those unbelievers who watch will continue
searching and eventually land upon Christ.
Ok, and the Obama thing at the end was just silly.
That had nothing to do with the entire show so I'm
guessing a McCain or Clinton person put the video
together. Oprah endorses Obama, not to be racist but
it sorta makes since. First black president seems
like the kind of person a woman who so proudly
recognizes her heritage would endorse. Obama wasn't
meditating or on the web conference so why stick his
name on the end?
Did Fox news make this? LOL!


Sweet Melissa said...

This is the most ridiculous thing ever! I'm not sure what Oprah's religious beliefs are- and frankly it's none of my business. What makes me upset is that the book isn't about religion- it wasn't intended to be. These people are just want to spread bigotry- it's obvious they didn't even read the book. If they did they didn't read it with an open mind. I think it really all just a ploy to get us to think Obama is a "bad Christian" since they can't prove he's a Muslim! What Balderdash!

Anonymous said...

That's the longest and most ridiculous advertisement for a book I've ever seen. This author is using the same tactics that she seems to be warning others against. Pathetic really. And don't forget...Don't Drink the Koolaid, coming soon to a bookstore near you.