Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Robotic Baby "Care"

Do you wish that you could afford a Nanny take care of your baby for you? We all know how expensive a nanny would be, especially a night nanny. Well, now you are in luck! For only 24.99 you can have your very own robotic baby timer. No longer will you have to wonder or care why your baby is screaming. Simply check the timer and it will tell you if the baby is wet, needs food, or should just be ignored because clearly it isn't TIME for it to need anything yet.
It even has a little night light to keep your baby feeling safe when you don't come in.

Why bother listening to your baby or reading the clues that it gives. You know that little uncomfortable wiggle and cry when the diaper is wet. Well, don't bother yourself with that. In fact, with a little luck you won't have to even look at your baby for most of the day. Just make sure the timer is close enough to hear it go off and enjoy your day.

I saw this product when I was cutting through the baby section to dodge the toy aisle. I must say that I was horrified and then just really sad because I am sure a million of these things will be sold. When you think about how babies are born today it makes since as the next step.
The entire pregnancy and birth is timed and measured and women are told when they should be dilating, when they should be pushing, and when when should be cut open since it's taking too long and dinner is getting cold. It only makes since that someone would try to continue this pattern of technology intervention.


Unknown said...

I love this post! Maybe one of these days they'll perfect a box that women can grow their babies in so as not to inconvenience or interrupt their lives. I mean, why even have them if they are such a bother??

Pixie Mama said...

Exactly! I almost mentioned something like that as it was my thought that if there was a growing tank lots of women would use them. Bleck!

Sarah F said...

Oh, thank goodness for this! I was getting tired of listening to DD's cues. Now I'll just point to this timer and explain to her that it's not TIME for her to be hungry, wanting attention, upset, peeing, etc.
Sarah, mom to Sadie

Sarah F said...

Oh, thank goodness for this! I was getting tired of listening to DD's cues. Now I'll just point to this timer and explain to her that it's not TIME for her to be hungry, wanting attention, upset, peeing, etc.
Sarah, mom to Sadie

Anonymous said...

Now parents can just shut the baby monitor off completely (forget the screaming baby), and set their alarms for the "scheduled" feed or diaper change.
Are we regressing back to the 40's?
I know style trends go and make comebacks, but I have noticed over the last few years parenting
practices are making comebacks as well. I thought for sure "scheduled" feedings, diaper changes, and holding an 8-week old over the toilet to potty train were things of the past. ??

Love your post!