Thursday, August 14, 2008


Liam flipped off of a swing Sunday night and broke his collar bone on the left side. He remains happy and continues to try to do daring things. The morning after the fall he asked to go to the park! He is napping right now and that is how I am able to be on the computer. I have to watch him oh so carefully because he keeps trying to do things that one should not do with a broken bone.
Should be healed in two weeks if I can keep him out of trouble for that long. On a positive note he got a rockin snoopy and the gang sling to wear while it heals. I will update with a photo at a later time.


Violet Twilight said...

Oh my goodness. I hope he isn't too active and is able to let his collar bone heal. Oh the fun you have as a mother of a boy, lol.

Sweet Melissa said...

LOL! Such a boy....

KC said...

OMG. Poor little guy. I remember braking my collarbone, not once, but twice when I was that age. Hope he heals fast. Before long he'll be back to his old self, climbing, jumping, breaking ;) ((HUGS))

Roland said...

Ouchie. I had a fractured collarbone too. I'm sure it'll heal no problem!
(At which point he'll find something else to break...)