Thursday, September 4, 2008

So it begins

Yesterday was Zionna's first day of school. She was eager and excited to begin her Kindergarten career. She was the first one to run to the teacher when the door opened for the start of class.
I must say that I'm sad I cannot go with her to school. Not because I cannot stand to be away from her, but because this school just sounds so fun!
It is a public Waldorf school and that means that instead of focusing on academics and pushing to keep the" every child left behind act" happy, she will be discovering nature, singing to fairies, dancing, playing music, painting, sewing, knitting, and all sorts of other wonderful things that five year olds SHOULD be doing. It feels like an extension of our home and I have no doubt that she will adjust well to the rhythm of school.
Everything in the room feels good, all fabric and wood. Not a touch of plastic and I am so happy to say that not one computer is in the room.
When I toured schools around Eugene it was often a horrid sight of 5 year olds with headphones, microphones, and laptops zoned in to there own little space and not even an ounce of interaction with each other. It scared me, and still does to know that children are going to schools like this. We are very blessed to have gotten into this school, and even more so that we are not having to pay for it since it's a public charter.
This is a very thankful post. Knowing that Zionna is in such a positive and nurturing school that will inspire her creativity and allow her to blossom even more.


Sweet Melissa said...

Go Z go!!! I hope you have so much fun- and learn lots in the process! Oh and by the way- you look so adorable too!

Lots of love from Me and Dan

KC said...

I can't believe how grown up Z looks! So sweet and beautiful. How's school going for her? I bet she loves it.