Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The odyssey that is my life...

You know that question people always ask when they first meet you..."where are you from?" I really dread that question because it turns into a long rambling that leads me to believe I should just start saying America. I have moved so many times that my mother has several pages in her address book filled with me. I tell her to use pencil but so far she hasn't listened. So, once again a move could be on the horizon for us, but before I tell you about is the answer to that question... "where are you from?"
I was born in upstate NY, so far north in fact that I have been titled "honorary half-Canadian." I was raised sans electricity, running water, or indoor plumbing by some very wonderful hippy parents. I loved it, every day I was able to explore and run and play with nature. My mother didn't have to fear that someone would drive by and swoop me up with a candy bribe. There were no roads for 1/4 a mile and even that road was dirt and rarely traveled.
We spent a couple winters in Florida but those were brief and made me fear alligators.
After that I moved on to Indiana to be closer to my sick grandmother. That is where the rest of my family became glued down. I left the second high school was over and have been moving ever since.
First it was just a bit north to college and then I met the most wonderful man in the universe and moved to Austin, TX to be closer to him. Plus I loved Austin! The weather was terribly hot but live music and fun things were everywhere. We were married a couple years later and more packing of boxes happened.
After a quick stop in Dallas (yuck) for Ted's graduate school we packed our bags for the only city I said I did not want to move to, Los Angeles. It turned out to be kinda fun but I was in about 3 fender benders, my daughter got a chronic smog filled cough, and we were only there for 18 months!
Since we have been married (5 years yippy!) We lived in 6 homes, 4 cities, and 2 states. We just moved to our current home (San Fran area) in January. Two weeks ago my husband's company announced that his team was being laid off. We are looking in the area but even the companies "nearby" are an hour away so it looks like perhaps I unpacked those boxes a little too soon.
It's funny just how many times I am asked if my husband is in the military (he isn't.) He is in Oregon today interviewing and so my odyssey continues...

1 comment:

Violet Twilight said...

boy can i relate to the moving around stuff. i managed to stay in mostly one place while growing up, but since then I have moved a lot. at 20 i moved cross-state. at 25 i moved from NE to CA. 3 years after that we moved to TX, than WI, than MA and now VA... sheesh i am sooo ready to settle down for a while :)
good luck with the interviews!!!