Tuesday, October 9, 2007


This weeks theme at www.mamasaysom.com is compassion and I have decided to write about my father. He is Mr. Compassion whether he knows it or not. Always giving everything he has, even when he has very little. He is a great listener and seems to be able to lead me to answers without even trying. Just recently he gave away an RV that he was going to sell to a man living in a cardboard box. I can't even imagine what the world would be like if everyone thought and acted as he does. Giving, and thinking of others. It's good for us to put ourselves on the sidelines. There is much talk, especially in womens and parent magazines to be more about YOU YOU YOU. I think we are naturally very selfish and we really need to fight that and show a little compassion. If you don't feel comfortable giving a dollar to that bum, or if you don't have a dollar to give, you can still give him a smile and some eye contact.

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