Sunday, March 30, 2008

My dead microwave

I have to say that I am glad it's dead. I had trouble with the loss at first and thought I would replace it after a couple of days. I knew warming things in pans would be healthier for keeping the nutrients in the food, but I have been surprised that it seems to be healthier too in other ways.
It's been interesting, the pace has changed in our house from the lack of micro waves dancing in the kitchen and zip zapping our food. It forces patience and a slower more relaxed rhythm to our day.
The kids can't just come in and say they are hungry and demand and expect something to be sitting in front of them in 30 seconds. Now they are learning that it will take some time and the requests seem to be filled with less haste and urgency by the day. (Unless Liam just woke from a nap, then LOOK OUT!)
Tonight we had leftover Jambalaya that Ted made yesterday. (Thank you honey, yum yum!) Instead of doing the normal ZAP, I put it in a pan and let it steam and warm and fill the house with all the delicious smells that come from a yummy Cajun dish. Dinner was more special, better than a nuked leftover. It had taken planning and time and yes, patience. I believe I heard "I'm hungry" three times while it was heating up. What a great way to teach patience to my kids, and to myself!
So the votes are in, the microwave will not be replaced by another. The toaster oven took it's spot and now I have more counter space for preparing those healthy slow cooked meals.
Any good recipe ideas?

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