Sunday, February 17, 2008

Super Deligates

I just finished writing a letter to the Super Deligates in support of Obama and wanted to share it:

Two years ago, I gave up reading the newspaper and paying attention to politics, the war, health care issues, everything. It was out of my hands, and so I gave up hope that I could do anything to change it.
I am a wife, and mother of two children. Worry is always in the back of my mind. I worry about how we will pay our high insurance premiums, I worry when my daughter coughs due to the polluted air we must breathe, I worry if my children will have recess when they go to school since the No Child Left Behind act doesn't leave time for it.
Over the past two months I have started watching the news again. I have stopped worrying and started getting really excited. There is now someone leading and taking charge that is sincere in his mission. Someone who wants the same changes that my family and our country desperately needs.
That someone is Barack Obama.
Being that I am the mother of two young children you can guarantee that I would not be taking the time out of my day to write this if I didn't think it was of the most importance to my family.
We need a leader who is not only genuine, but is ignited with passion to make a difference in the troubles our country is facing. With Obama leading us I believe hope doesn't have to be given up for America. When he says, "Yes, we can" I know he is right.

If you would like to write your own letter please do so here

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